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Korczowski Project "MEMORY"

Frank Bustamante Gallery New York 1994

A partir 1940, un grand nombre de Polonais furent transférés dans le complexe de Mauthausen-Gusen.
Les premiers groupes étaient composés d'artistes, de scientifiques, d'enseignants
et de professeurs d'université arrêtés
lors de l'Intelligenzaktion
qui désignait l'élimination de l'élite polonaise.
Gusen II fut nommé Vernichtungslager für die polnische Intelligenz

 (« Camp de destruction de l’intelligentsia polonaise ») par les Allemands.


Bogdan Korczowski paintings "Pyramid of Death 1988" "Piramida smierci", 1988 r. oil on canv. 80 x 80 cm: 'HOMMAGE / | WILHELM KORCZOWSKI | MAUTHAUSEN GUSEN | 14.01.1941

Krematorium Mauthausen-Gusen photo from 1945



Wilhelm Korczowski
photo 1939

Wilhelm Korczowski nr 7372
Document from Dachau concetration camp 1940


Wilhelm Korczowski, (1895-1941) One of polish victims of the German Nazi. After the 1939 German invasion of Poland, German were arresting or killing polish civilians. Hundreds of thousands of wealthy landowners, clergymen, and members of the intelligentsia, government officials, teachers, doctors, officers, journalists, and others were either murdered in mass executions or sent to prisons and concentration camps. On September 7, 1939 Reinhard Heydrich stated that all Polish nobles, clergy and Jews are to be killed, on September 12 Wilhelm Keitel added intelligentsia to the list, at the end of 1940 Hitler demanded liquidation of "all leading elements in Poland" and on March 15, 1940, Himmler stated:
..." All Polish specialists will be exploited in our military-industrial complex. Later, all Poles will disappear from this world. It is imperative that the great German nation considers the elimination of all Polish people as its chief task."...
My polish grand-father Wilhelm Korczowski ( born 21 may 1895) was arrested april 1940 and first deported may 5,1940 to german camp DACHAU (nr.7372), after transwered juin 26,1940 to german camp Mauthausen-Gusen (nr 5283 ) and murder in this camp on January 14, 1941.

Korczowski 1992 "Planete Mauthausen " Carton/collage

Hommage à Wilhelm Korczowski

Korczowski 1993 "Planete Mauthausen "

Hommage à Wilhelm Korczowski

German AB Action

German camps in occupied Poland

War crimes in occupied Poland

Nazi crimes

Occupation of Poland



Expulsion of Poles by Nazi Germany 


In early 1940, many Poles were transferred to the Mauthausen–Gusen complex. The first groups were mostly composed of artists, scientists, Boy Scouts, teachers, and university professors, who were arrested during Intelligenzaktion and the course of the AB Action.
Camp Gusen II was called by Germans:
Vernichtungslager für die polnische Intelligenz
("Extermination camp for the Polish intelligentsia").




"Korczowski Wilhelm" DETAIL FROM PAGE 47
"TOTENBUCH Mauthausen-GUSEN" January 1941
(document: Mauthausen Museum)


Letter from Krematorium of German concentration camp Mauthausen-Gusen.